Aluminium Chloride

Tradeasia International Pte. Ltd. always had a strong bond with basic industrial chemicals and its trading. We have a strong network with Asia Pacific, European Union and Middle East. We provide our customers not only quality product but also extended supply management services


Aluminium chloride, AlCl3, is well-known as a catalyst for organic reactions. This compound is soluble in water, hydrogen chloride, ethanol, chloroform, CCl4 and is slightly soluble in benzene. It is a silver-white powder, but sometimes turns to yellow if they are contaminated by ferric chloride. It tends to absorb water easily (hygroscopic) to form monohydrate or hexahydrate. Aluminium chloride is a corrosive substance and it is also very toxic. It can cause high damage to the eyes, skin, and respiratory systems if inhaled or upon contact.

Product Applications

Aluminium chloride is used as a coagulant for many industrial and sanitary wastewater treatment applications, because of its high efficiency, effectiveness in clarification, and utility as a sludge dewatering agent. The chemical leaves no residual colour and offers very good turbidity removal.

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